How Does a Dachshund Work
- 4 minutes read - 779 wordsIntro
I like trains. I’ve been on one lately, reading some hackernews in the morning. “Los Alamos” they said. Los Alamos chess. Interdansting. Specifically the 3rd game made me curious. How did they end up in a such a position? I’d like to see it unfold.
I could’ve play it out over the board. No chessboard in sight though.
I could’ve… click it over or build a visualisation thingy or…
I’m certainly capable… - “too slow” flashed through my mind. But how about…
Brief intermission
Some computer-ish chess terms:
- FEN = Forsyth–Edwards Notation - a complete snapshot of a chess game at an arbitrary point
- PGN = Portable Game Notation - standard format for recording entire chess games
The hack
Just use ready-made chess tools!
I’d need to somehow fit the Los Alamos board onto an ordinary board, but that’s easy, just ignore 2 files and ranks.
Question: can I make a PGN start from a certain position?.
Answer: Yes - the PGN format allows for inputting a starting FEN
Ok, now. How do I FEN? There’s one already.
…however the FEN doesn’t work with the 3rd game recording from Wikipedia, our ways are incompatible:
In order to simplify our task we have considered b2 as the lower left square
~ Alamosfish people
So I used this to create a starting FEN by hand-moving every piece by (-1, -1):
8/8/rnqknr2/pppppp2/8/8/PPPPPP2/RNQKNR2 w - - 0 1
Input into a random PGN viewer and…
until the queen promotion on move 21. Because it happens on a 6th rank, which is illegal. But I’ve learned that the setup optional feature is supported with this particular viewer correctly.
But were the promotion to happen on 8th rank all would be fine and dandy, so… vector calculation goes brrrrrrrr - what I gotta do is move everything by (8,d) - (6,d) = (2, 0)
- ergo 2 ranks. Yes, I’m hand-waving the chess vector algebra, it’s beyond the point now!
FEN is straight forward as I can just swap the ranks around in text (didn’t feel like doing it by hand in the online position editor again):
8/8/rnqknr2/pppppp2/8/8/PPPPPP2/RNQKNR2 w - - 0 1
rnqknr2/pppppp2/8/8/PPPPPP2/RNQKNR2/8/8 w - - 0 1
For the actual game I needed some vim-fu:
:s/ /\r/g
" manualy seperate the check (aka "+") from the end and "=Q", as well as "#"
" add @, so that every special line (for example) "+" becomes "@+"
" I know... this sounds complex, however just trust me ;d
qq$^A^Aj|q " the ^A being Ctrl+A aka increment
40@q " it stops at every @+ line, but there's only 6 of them, so: just rinse and repeat until the end
" if there were more: I'll combine this macro with another one that skips a line
:s/ @//g
" ^ that's why I've added the @ then, makes it trivial to rejoin properly
After tiny bit of manual snags, namely: whitespace around promotion notation o.0 and the Wikipedia game recording not being strictly PGN (excess “1-0” at the end), I add the metadata, et voila:
[Event "Los Alamos trials"]
[Site "Los Alamos, New Mexico USA"]
[Date "1956.??.??"]
[Round "3"]
[White "MANIAC I"]
[Black "Beginner"]
[Result "1-0"]
[FEN "rnqknr2/pppppp2/8/8/PPPPPP2/RNQKNR2/8/8 w - - 0 1"]
[SetUp "1"]
1.d5 {Moves are transposed by 2 ranks, original was d3, etc} b6 2.Nf5 d6 3.b5 e6 4.Ne3 a6
5.bxa6 Nxa6 6.Kd4 Nc5 7.Nxc5 bxc5+ 8.Kd3 f6 9.a5 Rb8 10.a6 Ra8 11.a7 Kd7 12.Qa5 Qb7
13.Qa4+ Ke7 14.Rb3 Rxa7 15.Rxb7 Rxa4 16.Rb3 Ra7 17.f5 Ra6 18.fxe6 c6 19.Nf5+ Kd8 20.e7+ Kd7
21.exf8=Q Nc7 22.Qxd6+ Kc8 23.Ne7#
And it was worth it, interesting game - from computer chess history perspective at least. Gotta appreciate the proto-bongcloud on move 6!
Why this write-up even exists? It’s not exactly groundbreaking. Though short - it illustrates how a hacker might go about solving problems. Down a rabbit hole, evaluating trade-offs, repurposing tools. There’s also the aikido notion of leverage. I felt like through minimal force I’ve cause an effect comparable to writing a custom chess frontend.
There’s a third way between ignoring low business value, yet fascinating issue and throwing 8 more woman at a pregnancy project with the hope of speeding it up 8 times.
I sometimes struggle to give an example of how a hacker or a shaman might benefit someone’s endeavour. This chess one - not a great case study - a better one would need more audacity and impact, yet it’s personal. And sometimes we need to make it personal.
The next best approximation of “how a hacker” I could think of is this animation from the 70s: How Does a Dachshund Work