One-Too-Many-Time Pad
- 6 minutes read - 1103 wordsDisclaimer: this is an alpha version, expect updates
It’s been a while. Recently I’ve started a cryptography course at the university and this correlates with people asking me about cryptography. But of course correlation is not causation… Anyway, Scott Hanselman had made an excellent take on the subject of abiding the DRY rule while passing on knowledge and in that spirit I’d like to act out the hero myth; of the one who embarked, explored and came back to talk about one’s findings.
In the world of mass surveillance perfect secrecy sounds like a pretty neat deal, huh? I’m obviously referring to the one-time pad, which was proven to be unbreakable in this paper by Claude Shannon (a jolly good fellow by the way - did you know that he pioneered wearable devices in the 60’? o.0). I’d dare to say that Shannon’s research influenced our modern notion of semantic security, ~30 years before the term was coined. No free lunches though, perfect security comes with a trade-off - the key MUST be at least as long as the plaintext and MUSTN’T be reused.
The reason I’m telling you this is because few years ago I’ve entertained myself with the idea of compression schemes (run-length encoding if I recall correctly) that would allow to “conserve” the key and then use the save key bits to send more key, which in principle would alleviate the pain of secure key exchange once the key has been exhausted (physically giving someone a thumb drive is still state of the art in that regard). I guess it’s like reinventing a perpetual motion machine of the third kind - an attempt to change the world without cleaning your room (that is reading a few papers) first.
A curious hacker would ask: what exactly happens when you reuse a key? Well, let’s find out!
The model and prior art
I assume message \(M = (m_1, m_2, …, m_n)\) where \(m\) is an alphabetic ASCII character or a space and a key \(K = (k_1, k_2, …, k_o, k_1, k_2, …, k_o, …, k_p)\) where \(k\) is a single byte and \(p \leqslant o \). ASCII character is assumed to span a single byte as well. We assume that the unique key length \(o\) is known.
The ciphertext \(C\) is obtained as follows: $$C_i = M_i \oplus K_i $$
Crib dragging can be utilised after splitting the message into \(\left \lceil n \over o \right \rceil\) chunks. You can even try it online!
We can also split the ciphertext into \(o\) chucks by taking every \(j\)-th character, where \(0 < j < o\), crack them independently and then join. In that case \(j\)-th chuck would have the form of: $$(M_{j} \oplus K_j, M_{o + j} \oplus K_j, M_{2o + j} \oplus K_j, …)$$
The only unknown required to compute the key for a chunk is a single plaintext character from said chunk: $$ K_j = C_j \oplus M_{j} $$
Take a step back
Can we use frequency analysis to find the plaintext character? Absolutely, since in-chunk cipher function is an injection! Here’s the proof:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
possible_keys = range(0, 256)
possible_plaintexts = list(range(ord('A'), ord('z') + 1)) + [ord(' ')]
result_spaces = [{ p^k for p in possible_plaintexts} for k in possible_keys]
assert all(map(lambda s: len(s) == len(possible_plaintexts), result_spaces))
Drawbacks? The chunk must be long enough for the frequency statistics to be meaningful and the character distribution has to be known; that would fail for a message that is written in more than one language, partly hog latin, etc.
I’m in space!
There is another approach we can take to find a known character that does not require knowledge of letter distribution - we can find the spaces!
Knowing that \( C_j \oplus C_{o+j} = M_j \oplus K_j \oplus M_{o+j} \oplus K_j = M_j \oplus M_{o+j} \) we’ve got the xor of the plaintexts. This doesn’t provide much information in itself, since xor is commutative - \( M_j \oplus M_{o+j} = M_{o+j} \oplus M_{j} \).
Looking closely at the bit patterns of xored characters we can distinguish 2 groups of interest: \(space \oplus a = 0b0\textbf{1}0xxxxx \), \(a \oplus b = 0b0\textbf{0}0xxxxx \), where \(a, b \in \{ a..z \}, x \in \mathbb{B}\)
After finding \( p, r, s \) such that: $$\begin{cases} & \text{} C_p \oplus C_{r} = 0b0\textbf{0}0…..\\ & \text{} C_{r} \oplus C_{s} = 0b0\textbf{1}0….. \end{cases}$$
From the first equation we can derive the conclusion that \(M_r\) is not a space and the second equation tells us that one of \((M_r, M_s)\) is a space, which combined implies that \( M_{s} \) is a space. Game over.
\( p, r, s \) can be found as long as the chunk contains at least 2 distinct non-space characters and a single space.
This method can be extended to include uppercase ASCII characters as well (and maybe even some special characters such as “@”).
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from string import ascii_lowercase
from itertools import permutations, combinations
def exists_prs_3(seq: str) -> bool:
"""There exists p,r,s for a given sequence of 3 characters"""
for permutation in permutations(seq):
p, r, s = map(ord, permutation)
if (not ((p ^ r) >> 6 & 1)) and (r ^ s) >> 6 & 1:
return True
return False
possible_triplets = map(lambda s: s + (" ",),
combinations(ascii_lowercase, 2))
assert all(map(exists_prs_3, possible_triplets))
As for the entire chunk:
- Sequence consisting of 2 distinc non-space characters and a single space is solvable
- Prepending or appending any permitted element to a solvable sequence \(s \) creates a solvable sequence \(s’\), since the same triplet can be selected from \(s’ \) as is used to solve \( s \)
The naïve approach
Why not take every distinct triplet from the ciphertext and check every permutation, huh?
todo add code
- todo
- it’s performing surprisingly well on sample texts
- algorithm complexity
Possible improvements
- todo
- ensuring that the running time is linear -> just describe some clever heuristics
Appendix A: On LaTeX in Hugo
You can do LaTeX in Hugo! And the experiance is ok-ish after a while. Massive PITA in the beginning though. For the premise of this blog post the capabilities definitely suffice.
If you’d like to put some math on your page - official docs won’t do any good. Luckily someone has written about it already. As for composing the LaTeX I use this clunky online editor. It’s been there for me since high school and I’ve grown fond of it ^^.
I’m sorry for the Javascript - this sets a limit on how much I’m going to invade your privacy while you’re entertaining yourself reading my blog.